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Individual counseling can help you gain clarity and a sense of direction if you are feeling lost or confused in relation to yourself or others.  Everyone struggles with relationships at some point, but sometimes this struggle may feel unmanageable.  We may feel lost and realize how we approach relationships may be hurting ourselves and/or those we love.  Sometimes expected and unexpected change can awaken in us the need to take inventory of our relationships since the sense of self can shift as a result and doing so with a supportive professional can be very helpful.   

In representation of the Latinx Therapy Directory, Maritza participated in a segment produced by BuzzFeed's Pero Like channel where she did the first counseling session with three men who never dared to seek this kind of help before, click on the video to watch!

individual counseling may help if you are experiencing any of the following:

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Anger / Resentment

  • Hopelessness

  • Lonliness

  • Loss of Self

  • Low Self-Esteem

  • Burnout

  • Trauma

  • Impostor Syndrome

  • Difficulty Connecting With Others

  • Grief (Loss of a Loved One, Loss of a friendship, Break-up, Divorce)

  • Questioning Relationships (wondering if the time has come for you to move on from a relationship with someone who is not your intimate partner and not sure why or how to go about it)

  • Major Life Transition (Leaving Parent's Home, Marriage, Change in Career, Relocation, First-time Parent, Going Back to School, Retirement)

  • Toxic Relationships (with a partner, parent, sibling, friend, boss, co-worker)

  • Ambivalent Relationships (not sure where you stand in relation to someone and this causes you confusion about how to relate to that person)

Maritza is experienced in working with individuals dealing with issues in intimate relationships as well as with family (parents, siblings, children, in-laws) and friends. She has helped individuals who struggle with setting healthy boundaries to achieve balance between their personal and professional life. Some individuals may discover their present issues are not just due to current circumstances, instead they may realize that in actuality these issues are also stemming from negative childhood experiences. Which may or may not have been traumatic, but were internalized as negative or blocking beliefs that have resulted in a disconnect from their authentic self and thus a difficulty in connecting with others. This may be especially true for those who grew up in one-parent homes, with strict rules, in poverty, experienced corporal punishment in the home or bullying outside the home, witnessed domestic violence, or experienced sexual abuse by a family member, a peer or a trusted adult or children of immigrant parents.

Healing childhood wounds breaks intergenerational patterns and ultimately leads to better mental and physical health and happier relationships.

Through her own healing journey of 20 years and practicing as a therapist for the past 12, Maritza learned the importance of taking on a holistic approach. She discovered that while having someone listen with compassion and non-judgment can be really validating, sometimes it is not enough to address the ways in which the mind, body and soul have been impacted by negative and traumatic experiences. This is why she loves the intentional way in which Emotionally Focused Therapy can so easily help us to connect with our emotions and body sensations, to deepen the healing experience and increase our awareness in order to become more connected with our body. Maritza took a special interest in learning about the ways in which the brain stores trauma in the body and became fascinated with the personal results she experienced from EMDR and EFT Tapping a Bio-Distressing technique, which she became trained in and incorporates in her work where most of her clients have obtained powerful results over the years. More recently, Maritza has completed her training and is pursuing certification in Brainspotting, from which she has experienced powerful breakthroughs in her own therapy.

Going out of her own comfort zone and trusting the wisdom passed on through stories she heard as a child about members on both sides of her Mexican family that used indigenous and ancestral medicine, that fall outside the conventional psychotherapy experience, she also ventured into the area of energy healing. It is through her training, study and practice of energy healing methods, such as Usui Holy Fire Reiki II and Pranic Healing that Maritza has come to understand how much healing meditation, breathwork and spiritual awareness can bring for overall wellness. As a result, when appropriate, Maritza offers those clients who are receptive the opportunity to incorporate intuitive guided meditation, breathwork and no-touch energy healing into their sessions.

we are a brain (mind) that produces thoughts, internalizes experiences and has the capacity to practice internal and external awareness. We are physical beings (body) that registers all experiences real and imagined and whose ultimate function is self-preservation. we are breath, energy (soul) as we can sense others and most of us have the ability to connect with our intuition, the part of us that knows without knowing. therefore, all that negatively impacts us on one level, impacts our entire being and we must heal on all levels for us to become whole again.

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